Sanyo Split System Heat Pump Air Conditioner Error Codes
KHS3082 + CH3082KHS3682 + CH3682
SANYO Air Conditioners Fault Codes
Code Description
A01 GHP – Engine oil pressure fault
A02 GHP – Engine oil level fault
A03 GHP – Engine over speed
A04 GHP – Engine under speed
A05 GHP – Ignition power supply failure
A06 GHP – Engine start up failure
A07 GHP – Fuel gas valve failure
A08 GHP – Engine stalled
A09 GHP – Engine overload
A10 GHP – High exaust gas temp
A11 GHP – Engine oil level failure
A12 GHP – Throttle actuator fault
A13 GHP – Fuel gas valve adjustment failure
A14 GHP – Engine oil pressure sensor fault
A15 GHP – Starter power output short circuit
A16 GHP – Starter motor locked
A17 GHP – Starter current (CT) coil failed
A19 GHP – Wax Valve (3 Way) fault
A20 GHP – Cooling water temp high
A21 GHP – Cooling water level fault
A22 GHP – Cooling water pump fault
A23 GHP – Engine crank angle sensor failure
A24 GHP – Engine cam angle sensor failure
A25 GHP – Clutch fault
A26 GHP – Misfire
A27 GHP – Catalyst temperature fault
A28 GHP – Generator fault
A29 GHP – Converter fault
A30 GHP – Fuel gas pressure low
C01 Duplicated setting of control address
C02 Central control number of units mis-matched
C03 Incorrect wiring of central control
C04 Incorrect connection of central control
C05 System Controller fault, error in transmiting comms signal, i/door or o/door unit not working, wiring fault
C06 System Controller fault, error in receiving comms signal, i/door or o/door unit not working, wiring fault, CN1 not connected correctly
C12 Batch alarm by local controller
C16 Transmission error from adaptor to unit
C17 Reception error to adaptor from unit
C18 Duplicate central address in adaptor
C19 Duplicate adaptor address
C20 Mix of PAC & GHP type units on adaptor
C21 Memory fault in adaptor
C22 Incorrect address setting in adaptor
C23 Host terminal software failure
C24 Host terminal hardware failure
C25 Host terminal processing failure
C26 Host terminal comunication failure
C28 Reception error of S-DDC from host terminal
C29 Initialization failure of S-DDC
C31 Configuration change detected by adaptor
E01 Remote control detecting error from indoor unit, Address not set/Auto address failed. Check interconnecting wiring etc. Re-address system.
E02 Remote detecting error from indoor unit,
E03 Indoor unit detecting error from remote,
E04 Indoor seeing error from outdoor. Qty of i/d units connected are less than qty set. Check; all i/d units are ON, reset turn off all units wait 5min power up
E05 Indoor unit detecting error from outdoor unit, Error in sending comms signal
E06 Outdoor unit detecting error from indoor unit, Error in receiving comms signal
E07 Outdoor unit detecting error from indoor unit, Error in sending comms signal
E08 Incorrect setting indoor/controller, Indoor address duplicated
E09 Incorrect setting indoor/controller, Remote address duplicated or IR wireless controller not disabled
E10 Indoor unit detecting error from ‘option’ plug, Error in sending comms signal
E11 Indoor unit detecting error from ‘option’ plug, Error in receiving comms signal
E12 Auto addressing failed, Auto address connector CN100 shorted during auto addressing
E13 Indoor unit failed to send signal to remote controller
E14 Setting Failure, Duplication of master indoor units
E15 Auto addressing failed, Number of indoor units connected are less than number set
E16 Auto addressing failed, Number of indoor units connected are more than number set
E17 Group control wiring error, Main indoor unit not sending signal for sub indoor units
E18 Group control wiring error, Main indoor unit not receiving signal for sub indoor units
E20 Auto addressing failed, No indoor units connected
E24 Auto addressing failed, Error on sub outdoor unit
E25 Auto addressing failed, Error on outdoor unit address setting
E26 Auto addressing failed, Quantity of main and sub outdoor units do not correspond to the number set on main outdoor unit P.C.B.
E29 Auto addressing failed, Sub outdoor unit not receiving comms for main outdoor unit
E31 Between units, Comms failure with MDC, does E31 remain after power is re instated? If so replace PCB. & power PCB
F01 Indoor Heat Exch inlet temp sensor failure (E1)
F02 Indoor Heat Exch freeze temp sensor failure (E2)
F03 Indoor Heat Exch outlet temp sensor failure (E3)
F04 Outdoor Discharge temp sensor failure (TD) or (DISCH1)
F05 Outdoor Discharge temp sensor failure (DISCH2)
F06 Outdoor Heat Exch temp sensor failure (C1) or (EXG1)
F07 Outdoor Heat Exch temp sensor failure (C2) or (EXL1)
F08 Outdoor Air temp sensor failure (TO)
F10 Indoor inlet temp sensor failure
F11 Indoor outlet temp sensor failure
F12 Outdoor Intake sensor failure (TS)
F13 GHP – Cooling water temperature sensor failure
F16 Outdoor High pressure sensor failure
F17 GHP – Cooling water temperature sensor fault
F18 GHP – Exhaust gas temperature sensor fault
F20 GHP Clutch coil temperature fault
F23 Outdoor Heat Exch temp sensor failure (EXG2)
F24 Outdoor Heat Exch temp sensor failure (EXL2)
F29 Indoor EEPROM error
F30 Clock Function (RTC) fault
F31 Outdoor EEPROM error
H01 Compressor Fault, Over current (Comp1)
H02 Compressor Fault, Locked rota current detected (Comp1)
H03 Compressor Fault, No current detected (Comp1)
H05 Compressor Fault, Discharge temp not detected (Comp1)
H06 Compressor Fault, Low Pressure trip
H07 Compressor Fault, Low oil level
H08 Compressor Fault, Oil sensor Fault (Comp1)
H11 Compressor Fault, Over current (Comp2)
H12 Compressor Fault, Locked rota current detected (Comp2)
H13 Compressor Fault, No current detected (Comp2)
H15 Compressor Fault, Discharge temp not detected (Comp2)
H27 Compressor Fault, Oil sensor fault (Comp2)
H28 Compressor Fault. Oil sensor (connection failure)
H31 Compressor Fault. IPM trip (IMP current on temperature)
L01 Setting Error, Indoor unit group setting error
L02 Setting Error, Indoor/outdoor unit type/model miss-matched
L03 Duplication of main indoor unit address in group control
L04 Duplication of outdoor unit system address
L05 2 or more controllers have been set as ‘priority’ in one system – shown on controllers set as ‘priority’
L06 2 or more controllers have been set as ‘priority’ in one system – shown on controllers not set as ‘priority’
L07 Group wiring connected on and indvidual indoor unit
L08 Indoor unit address/group not set
L09 Indoor unit capacity code not set
L10 Outdoor unit capacity code not set
L11 Group contol wiring incorrect
L13 Indoor unit type setting error, capacity
L15 Indoor unit paring fault
L16 Water heat exch unit setting failure
L17 Miss-match of outdoor unit with different refrigerant
L18 4-way valve failure
L19 Water heat exch unit duplicated address