Kelvinator Air Conditioning Fault Codes
Demand response mode: d2
Description of operation in this mode:
The air conditioner continues to cool or heat during the demand response event,but the electrical energy consumed by the air conditioner in a half your period is not more than 50% of the total electrical energy that would be consumed if operating at the rated capacity in a half hour period.
Demand response mode: d3
Description of operation in this mode:
The air conditioner continues to cool or heat during the demand response event, but the electrical energy consumed by the air conditioner in a half your period is not more than 75% of the total electrical energy that would be consumed if operating at the rated capacity in a half hour period.
The air conditioner is not user serviceable. Incorrect repair may cause electric shock or fire, so please contact an authorised service center for professional repair. The following checks prior to contact may save you time and money.
H1: Defrosting / Cause: It is normal. The unit is in defrosting mode and heating will recommence soon.
E3: Low pressure warning / Cause: Your air conditioner has lost refrigerant. Contact your installer to check for potential leaks.