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LG Tower AC Error Codes

LG Tower AC Error Codes

                         LG Tower AC Error Codes|LG Cassette AC Error Codes
If the display of Indoor contains an error code.
Error Code: C0
Error content: indoor air sensor open or short
Error Code: C1
Error content: Indoor pipe sensor open or short
Error Code: C3
Error content: Outdoor air sensor open or short
Error Code: C4
Error content: Outdoor pipe sensor open or short
Check point:
Check the sensor connection to the PCB to see if it is well connected.
Replace it with a new sensor.
Error Code: C5
Error Content: Communication failure between indoor and outdoor unit.
Check point:
Check connecting cable wiring order between indoor and outdoor diagram.
Check all wire connectors to see if they are connected.
Indoor AC PCB Fault. (Less inside).
External PCB Fault (Low Inside)

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