York Air
Conditioning Central Error Code
Malfunction and Protection Code Table
EF Other malfunction PF Other Protection
EE Water level checking malfunction PE Reserve
ED Outdoor protection PD Reserve
EC Clear malfunction PC Reserve
EB Inverter Module Protection PB Reserve
EA Compressor Over-current (4 times) PA Reserve
E9 Communication malfunction between PCB and Display board P9 Reserve
E8 Fan motor checking out of control P8 Compressor Over-current
E7 EEPROM malfunction P7 Power Lack/Over Volt Protection
E6 Over-zero checking malfunction P6 Discharge Low-pressure Protection
E5 T3 sensor malfunction P5 Discharge High-pressure Protection
E4 T2B sensor malfunction P4 Discharge Pipe Temp. Protection
E3 T2A sensor malfunction P3 Compressor Temp. Protection
E2 T1 sensor malfunction P2 Condenser High Temp. Protection
E1 Communication malfunction P1 Anti-cooling or Defrost Protection
E0 Phase sequence or lack of phase P0 Evaporator Temp. Protection
03# CCM/PC(gateway) Communication Malfunction
02# CCM/Function Module Communication Malfunction
01# CCM/NIM Communication Malfunction
00# CCM/PCB Communication Malfunction