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Toshiba Multi System Air Conditioner Error Codes

Toshiba Multi System Air Conditioner Error Codes

The room in which the air conditioner is to be installed requires a design that in the event of refrigerant gas leaking out, its concentration will not exceed a set limit.
The refrigerant R410A which is used in the air conditioner is safe, without the toxicity or combustibility of ammonia, and is not restricted by laws to be imposed which protect the ozone layer. However, since it contains more than air, it poses the risk of suffocation if its concentration should rise excessively. Suffocation from leakage of R410A is almost non-existent. With the recent increase in the number of high concentration buildings, however, the installation of multi air conditioner systems is on the increase because of the need for effective use of floor space, individual control, energy conservation by curtailing heat and carrying power etc.
C05 17157 Sending error in TCC-LINK central control device
C06 17158 Receiving error in TCC-LINK central control device
C12 17164 Batch alarm of general-purpose equipment control interface
E01 17665 Communication error between indoor and remote controller (Detected at remote controller side)
E02 17666 Sending error of remote controller
E03 17667 Communication error between indoor and remote controller (Detected at indoor side)
E04 17668 Communication circuit error between indoor and outdoor (Detected at indoor side)
E06 17670 Decrease of No. of indoor units
E07 17671 Communication circuit error between indoor/outdoor (Detected at outdoor side)
E08 17672 Duplicated indoor addresses
E09 17673 Duplicated master remote controllers
E10 17674 Communication error between indoor P.C.board
E12 17676 Automatic address start error
E15 17679 No indoor automatic address
E16 17680 Capacity over/No. of connected indoor units
E18 17682 Communication error between indoor header and follower units
E19 17683 Outdoor header units quantity error
E20 17684 Other line connected during automatic address
E23 17687 Sending error in communication between outdoor units
E25 17689 Duplicated follower outdoor address
E26 17690 Decrease of No. of connected outdoor units
E28 17692 Follower outdoor unit error
E31 17695 IPDU communication error
F01 17921 Indoor TCJ sensor error
F02 17922 Indoor TC2 sensor error
F03 17923 Indoor TC1 sensor error
F04 17924 TD1 sensor error
F05 17925 TD2 sensor error
F06 17926 TE1 sensor error
F07 17927 TL sensor error
F08 17928 TO sensor error
F10 17930 Indoor TA sensor error
F12 17932 TS1 sensor error
F13 17933 TH sensor error
F15 17935 Outdoor temp. sensor misconnection (TE1,TL)
F16 17936 Outdoor pressure sensor misconnection (Pd,Ps)
F23 17943 Ps sensor error
F24 17944 Pd sensor error
F29 17949 Indoor other error
F31 17951 Outdoor EEPROM error
H01 18433 Compressor break down
H02 18434 Magnet switch error / Overcurrent relay operation / Compressor error (lock)
H03 18435 Current detection circuit error
H04 18436 Comp-1 case thermo operation
H06 18438 Low pressure protective operation
H07 18439 Low oil level protection
H08 18440 Oil level temp. sensor error
H14 18446 Comp-2 case thermo operation
H16 18448 Oil level detection circuit error / Magnet switch error / Overcurrent relay error
L03 19459 Duplicated indoor header units
L04 19460 Duplicated outdoor line address
L05 19461 Duplicated indoor units with priority (Displayed in indoor unit with priority)
L06 19462 Duplicated indoor units with priority (Displayed in unit other than indoor unit with priority)

L07 19463 Group line in individual indoor unit
L08 19464 Indoor group/Address unset
L09 19465 Indoor capacity unset
L10 19466 Outdoor capacity unset
L20 19476 Duplicated central control addresses
L28 19484 Maximum number of outdoor units exceeded
L29 19485 No. of IPDU error
L30 19486 Auxiliary interlock in indoor unit
L31 19487 IC error
P01 20481 Indoor fan motor error
P03 20483 Discharge temp. TD1 error
P04 20484 High-pressure switch detection error
P05 20485 Phase-missing detection / Phase order error
P07 20487 Heat sink overheat error
P10 20490 Indoor overflow error
P12 20492 Indoor fan motor error
P13 20493 Outdoor liquid back detection error
P15 20495 Gas leak detection
P17 20497 Discharge temp. TD2 error
P19 20499 4-way valve inverse error
P20 20500 High-pressure inverse error
P22 20502 Outdoor fan IPDU error
P26 20506 G-Tr short circuit protection error
P29 20509 Comp position detection circuit error
P31 20511 Follower indoor unit error (Group error)
S00 21248 Intelligent Server Communication error
S01 21249 Communication error between indoor unit and BMS
S02 21250 TCS-NET Relay Interface Communication error
S03 21251 Group terminal unit error
S04 21252 BMS-IFWH Communication error
S05 21253 BMS-IOKIT Communication error
S06 21254 Communication error
S07 21255 Communication error
S08 21256 Communication error
S09 21257 Communication error
V00 22016 VCI Zero Value – No Unit Present
V80 22096 VCI waiting for unit data
V81 22097 VCI poll failure – no response after 8 retries
V82 22098 VCI poll failure – no response within timeout period
V83 22099 VCI Unit Comms error generated by A/C interface
V84 22100 VCI Unit missing error generated by A/C interface
V85 22101 VCI Fault : zero fault code recieved
V86 22102 VCI Fault : zero setpoint readback value
V87 22103 VCI Fault : zero temperature value
V88 22104 VCI Fault : null temperature value
V89 22105 VCI Fault : unknown error
— 255 No Fault
toshiba multi system air conditioner error codes
toshiba multi system air conditioner error codes

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