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Samsung RAC and FJM Fault Codes

Samsung RAC and FJM Fault Codes
Samsung Air Conditioning Systems ~ FJM (Free Joint Multi) and RACOperation =
Flashing Display Timer = Yes
Turbo =
LED Display = E1
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit room thermistor error – Open or Closed Circuit – Check and replace if required
Operation = Yes
Flashing Display Timer = Yes
Turbo =
LED Display = E2
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit pipe thermistor error – – Open or Closed Circuit – Check and replace if required
Operation =
Flashing Display Timer =
Turbo = Yes
LED Display = E3
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit fan motor malfunction – Check and replace if required
Operation =
Flashing Display Timer = Yes
Turbo = Yes
LED Display = E6
Explanation and Checking points = EPROM error – Check and replace PCB if required
Operation = Yes
Flashing Display Timer = Yes
Turbo = Yes
LED Display = Flashing
Explanation and Checking points = Option code error – Check and input new option code if required via wireless remote controller
Operation = Yes
Flashing Display Timer =
Turbo = Yes
LED Display =
Explanation and Checking points = Outdoor unit temperature sensor – Open or Closed Circuit – Check and replace if required
Outdoor Unit
Error Code = Er – E1
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit room temperature sensor error (open/short) – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – E5
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit heat exchanger out temperature sensor error (open/short) – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 05
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit heat exchanger in temperature sensor error (open/short) – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 06
Explanation and Checking points = EPROM error – Check and replace PCB if required
Error Code = Er – 09
Explanation and Checking points = Option code error – Check and input new option code if required via wireless remote controller
Error Code = E3 – 01
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor fan motor malfunction Fan and cable – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 01
Explanation and Checking points = Communication error between the indoor unit and outdoor unit
Error Code = Er – 11
Explanation and Checking points = Abnormal increase of operation current
Error Code = Er – 12
Explanation and Checking points = Abnormal increase of OLP temperature
Error Code = Er – 13
Explanation and Checking points = Abnormal increase of discharge temperature
Error Code = Er – 14
Explanation and Checking points = Over current of IPM circuit Comp. Fan
Error Code = Er – 15
Explanation and Checking points = Abnormal increase of heat sink temperature Fan
Error Code = Er – 10
Explanation and Checking points = BLCD compressor starting error Comp. PCB, Comp wire
Error Code = Er – E6
Explanation and Checking points = deice temp-sensor – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 31
Explanation and Checking points = outdoor temp-sensor – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 32
Explanation and Checking points = discharge temp-sensor – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 33
Explanation and Checking points = discharge temp-sensor – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 17
Explanation and Checking points = Communication error between 2 micom on the outdoor PCB
Error Code = Er – 36
Explanation and Checking points = current sensor error PCB – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 37
Explanation and Checking points = heatsink temp-sensor error PCB – Check and replace if required
Error Code = Er – 38
Explanation and Checking points = Voltage sensor error – Check and replace if required
Inverter Unit
Display = E1 01
Explanation and Checking points = Communication error (indoor unit unable to receive data) – Check cables
Display = E1 02
Explanation and Checking points = Communication error (outdoor unit unable to communicate) – Check addresses
Display = E1 21
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit room temperature sensor error (Open/Short) – Check and replace if required
Display = E1 22
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit sensor error – Evaporator pipe in sensor error (Open/Short) – Check and replace if required

Display = E1 23
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit sensor error – Evaporator pipe out sensor error (Open/Short) – Check and replace if required
Display = E1 28
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit sensor error – Evaporator pipe out sensor detached
Display = E1 30
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit heat exchanger in & out temperature sensor detached
Display = E1 54
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit fan malfunction
Display = E1 61
Explanation and Checking points = More than 2 indoor units cool and heat simultaneously
Display = E1 62
Explanation and Checking points = EPROM error
Display = E1 63
Explanation and Checking points = Option code setting error
Display = E1 85
Explanation and Checking points = Cable miss wiring
Display = E2 01
Explanation and Checking points = The number of indoor unit mismatched
Display = E2 02
Explanation and Checking points = Communication error (outdoor unable to receive data)
Display = E2 03
Explanation and Checking points = Communication error between two microcontroller on the outdoor PCB
Display = E2 21
Explanation and Checking points = Outdoor temperature sensor error (Short/Open) – Check and replace if required
Display = E2 37
Explanation and Checking points = Condenser temperature sensor error (Short/Open) – Check and replace if required
Display = E2 46
Explanation and Checking points = Condenser temperature sensor detached
Display = E2 51
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor discharge sensor error (Short/Open) – Check and replace if required
Display = E2 59
Explanation and Checking points = Outdoor unit error
Display = E2 60
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor discharge sensor error (Short/Open) – Check and replace if required
Display = E2 61
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor discharge sensor detached
Display = E3 20
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor OLP sensor error (Short/Open) – Check and replace if required
Display = E4 01
Explanation and Checking points = Indoor unit heat exchanger freezing and compressor stop (cooling mode)
Display = E4 04
Explanation and Checking points = Outdoor unit overload and compressor stop (protection control in heating mode)
Display = E4 16
Explanation and Checking points = Outdoor unit high discharge temperature and compressor stop (heating mode)
Display = E4 19
Explanation and Checking points = Outdoor unit EEV open error (self diagnosis) – Check and replace if required
Display = E4 22
Explanation and Checking points = Outdoor unit EEV close error (self diagnosis) – Check and replace if required
Display = E4 40
Explanation and Checking points = High temperature (over 30°C) of outdoor as heating mode
Display = E4 41
Explanation and Checking points = Low temperature (under -5°C) of indoor as cooling mode
Display = E4 60
Explanation and Checking points = Wrong connection between communication and power cable
Display = E4 61
Explanation and Checking points = Inverter compressor starting failure (5 times)
Display = E4 62
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor trip by input current limit control
Display = E4 63
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor trip by OLP temperature limit control
Display = E4 64
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor peak current protection
Display = E4 65
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor overload protection by current
Display = E4 66
Explanation and Checking points = DC-link voltage error (under 150V or over 410V)
Display = E4 67
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor rotation error
Display = E4 68
Explanation and Checking points = Current sensor error – Check and replace if required
Display = E4 69
Explanation and Checking points = DC-link voltage sensor error – Check and replace if required
Display = E4 70
Explanation and Checking points = Compressor overload protection – Check refrigerant charge and heat exchangers
Display = E4 71
Explanation and Checking points = EPROM error – Check and replace PCB if required
Display = E4 72
Explanation and Checking points = AC line zero-crossing detection circuit error – Check power supply
Display = E5 54
Explanation and Checking points = No refrigerant error (self diagnosis) – Check refrigerant charge

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