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LG Inverter Air Conditioning Error Codes

LG Inverter Air Conditioning Error Codes
LG C1 or CH1 Indoor temperature sensor open or closed circuit.
LG C2 or CH2 Outdoor temperature sensor open or closed circuit.Display
LG C4 or CH4 Heat sink temperature sensor open or closed circuit.Display
LG C5 or CH5 Communicationindoor and outdoor units. Display
LG C6 or CH6 Excessive current at inverter DC power circuit. Display 
LG C7 or CH7 Excessive compressor current Display
LG C8 or CH8 Indoor fan not rotating.
LG C9 or CH9 Outdoor fan not rotating. Display
LG CA or CH10 Faulty discharge thermistor Display
LG CA Discharge temp more than130 °C 2. Faulty discharge thermistorDisplay
LG CC EEPROM error Display
LG CD Inverter module error Display
LG Po System in Power Mode – not a fault Display
LG Lo System in test mode – not a fault Display
LG Error41 : Inverter Compressor discharge Thermistor fault
LG Error 44 Outdoor unit air Thermistor
LG Error 45 condenser coil outlet Thermistor
LG Error 46 compressor suction Thermistor
LG Error 47 Inverter Compressor discharge Thermistor fault
LG Error 39 PCB defect / Wiring defect/ODU Inverter PCB assembly damag
LG Error 01 Indoor unit return air Thermistor
LG Error 02 Indoor unit coil inlet Thermistor
LG Error 03 wiring error between the remote controller and the fan coil
LG Error 04 float switch fan
LG Error 05 communicatio indoor and outdoor
LG Error 06 Indoor unit coil outlet Thermistor
LG Error 09 EEPROM connects on Main PCB
LG Error 10 Indoor Fan Motor problem
LG Error 21 over current in the inverters DC power circuit
LG Error 22 Compressor over-current see code
LG Error 25 incoming power supply to the system.
LG Error 26 inverter compressor,indicates a seized compressor.
LG Error 27 inverter module, see section on testing
LG Error 28 DC Voltageinverter is too high.
LG Error 29 Overload operation/Compressor damage/ Motor damage/Input Voltage Low/ODU Inverter PCB assembly damage
LG Error 32 Inverter compressor discharge temperature is high (above 105ºC)LG Error 73 Overload operation/Compressor damage/ Motor damage/Input Voltage Low/ODU Inverter PCB assembly damage
LG Error 67 Outdoor Fan Motor
LG Errore 65 Inverter PCB heat sink thermisto
LG Error 62 outdoor unit Inverter heat-sink thermisto
LG Error 61 Indicates the outdoor unit condenser coil temperature is high above 65ºC,

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