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Lennox Rooftop Error Codes

Lennox Rooftop Error Codes

Climatic 50 Roof-Top, Aircoolair & Compactair Version 24
001 “Airflow”
004 Filters, Clogged up
005 Filters, Missing
006 Recovery Module , Filters, Clogged up
011 Electric heating elements
012 High Temperature, Blowing
013 Low Temperature, Ambient
014 Gas burner, 1
015 Gas burner, 2
022 Low Temperature, Blowing
023 High Temperature, Ambient
031 Humidifier
032 Low Humidity, Ambient
033 High Humidity, Ambient
041 Pump
051 Recovery Module, Motor failure
052 Recovery Module, Wheel failure
070 Clock card
071 BE50, 1
072 BE50, 2
081 Temperature sensor, Ambient

082 Humidity sensor, Ambient
083 Temperature probe, Outside
084 Humidity sensor, Outside
085 Temperature probe, Blower
086 Circuit 1, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
087 Circuit 2, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
088 Temperature sensor, return or Mixing air
091 Blower
092 Circuit 1, Condenser fan
093 Circuit 2, Condenser fan
094 Circuit 3, Condenser fan
095 Circuit 4, Condenser fan
096 Low temperature, Water Condenser
097 High temperature, Water Condenser
098 Flow rate, water condenser
099 Smoke detector
111 Circuit 1, Probe or Sensor
115 Circuit 1, High pressure or electrical protection
117 Circuit 1, Low pressure
118 Circuit 1, Risk of Frosting
121 Circuit 2, Probe or Sensor
125 Circuit 2, High pressure or electrical protection
127 Circuit 2, Low pressure
128 Circuit 2, Risk of Frosting
131 Circuit 3, Probe or Sensor
135 Circuit 3, High pressure or electrical protection
137 Circuit 3, Low pressure
141 Circuit 4, Probe or Sensor
145 Circuit 4, High pressure or electrical protection
147 Circuit 4, Low pressure

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