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Gree Cozy AC Error Codes

Gree Cozy AC Error Codes

E1-High pressure protection of system// 1. Refrigerant was superabundant; 2. Poor heat exchange
E2-Antifreezing protection// 1. Poor air-return in indoor unit; 2. Fan speed is abnormal; 3. Evaporator is dirty
F0-In defect of refrigerant//1.In defect of refrigerant; 2.Indoor evaporator temperature sensor works abnormally; 3.The unit has been plugged up somewhere.
E4-High discharge temperature protection of compressor//Please refer to the malfunction analysis (discharge protection, overload).
E5-Overcurrent protection//1. Supply voltage is unstable; 2. Supply voltage is too low and load is too high; 3. Evaporator is dirty
E6-Communication Malfunction//Refer to the corresponding malfunction analysis
E8-High temperature resistant protection//Refer to the malfunction analysis (overload, high temperature resistant)
EE-EEPROM malfunction//Replace outdoor control panel AP1
EU-Limit/ decrease frequency due to high temperature of module//Discharging after the complete unit is de energized for 20mins, check whether the thermal grease on IPM Module of outdoor control panel A1 is sufficient and whether the radiator is inserted tightly. If its no use, please replace control panel AP1.
C5-Malfunction protection of jumper cap//1. No jumper cap insert on mainboard. 2. Incorrect insert of jumper cap. 3. Jumper cap damaged. 4. Abnormal detecting circuit of mainboard
Fo-Gathering refrigerant//Nominal cooling mode
F1-Indoor ambient temperature sensor is open/short circuited //1. Loosening or bad contact of indoor ambient temp. sensor and mainboard terminal. 2. Components in mainboard fell down leads short circuit. 3. Indoor ambient temp. sensor damaged.(check with sensor resistance value chart) 4. Mainboard damaged
F2-Indoor evaporator temperature sensor is open/short circuited//1. Loosening or bad contact of Indoor evaporator temp. sensor and mainboard terminal. 2. Components on the mainboard fall down leads short circuit. 3. Indoor evaporator temp. sensor damaged.(check temp. sensor value chart for testing) 4. Mainboard damaged.
F3-Outdoor ambient temperature sensor is open/short circuited// Outdoor temperature sensor hasnt been connected well or is damaged. Please check it by referring to the resistance table for temperature sensor)
F4-Outdoor condenser temperature sensor is open/short circuited//Outdoor temperature sensor hasnt been connected well or is damaged. Please check it by referring to the resistance table for temperature sensor)
F5-Outdoor discharge temperature sensor is open/short circuited//1.Outdoor temperature sensor hasnt been connected well or is damaged. Please check it by referring to the resistance table for temperature sensor) 2.The head of temperature sensor hasnt been inserted into the copper tube
F6-Limit/ decrease frequency due to overload//Refer to the malfunction analysis (overload, high temperature resistant)
F8-Decrease frequency due to overcurrent//The input supply voltage is too low; System pressure is too high and overload
F9-Decrease frequency due to high air discharge//Overload or temperature is too high;Refrigerant is insufficient Malfunction of electric expansion valve (EKV)
FH-Limit/ decrease frequency due to antifreezing//Poor air-return in indoor unit or fan speed is too low
PH-Voltage for DC bus-bar is too high//1. Measure the voltage of position L and N on wiring board (XT), if the voltage is higher than 265VAC, turn on the unit after the supply voltage is increased to the normal range. 2.If the AC input is normal, measure the voltage of electrolytic capacitor C on control panel (AP1), if its normal, theres malfunction for the circuit, please replace the control panel (AP1)
PL-Voltage of DC bus-bar is too low//1. Measure the voltage of position L and N on wiring board (XT), if the voltage is higher than 150VAC, turn on the unit after the supply voltage is increased to the normal range. 2.If the AC input is normal,measure the voltage of electrolytic capacitor C on control panel (AP1), if its normal, theres malfunction for the circuit, please replace the control panel (AP1)
P0-Compressor Min frequence in test state //Showing during min. cooling or min. heating test
P1-Compressor rated frequence in test state//Showing during nominal cooling or nominal heating test
P2-Compressor maximum frequence in test state//Showing during max. cooling or max. heating test
P3-Compressor intermediate frequence in test state //Showing during middle cooling or middle heating test
P5-Overcurrent protection of phase current for compressor//Refer to the malfunction analysis (IPM protection, loss of synchronism protection and overcurrent protection of phase current for compressor.
PU-Charging malfunction of capacitor//Refer to the part three—charging malfunction analysis of capacitor
P7-Malfunction of module temperature sensor circuit//Replace outdoor control panel AP1
P8-Module high temperature protection //After the complete unit is deenergized for 20mins, check whether the thermal grease on IPM Module of outdoor control panel AP1 is sufficient and whether the radiator is inserted tightly. If its no use, please replace control panel AP1.
H0-Decrease frequency due to high temperature resistant during heating operation//Refer to the malfunction analysis (overload, high temperature resistant)
H2-Static dedusting protection
H3-Overload protection for compressor//1. Wiring terminal OVC-COMP is loosened. In normal state, the resistance for this terminal should be less than 1ohm. 2.Refer to the malfunction analysis ( discharge protection, overload)
H4-System is abnormal//Refer to the malfunction analysis (overload, high temperature resistant)
H5-IPM protection// Refer to the malfunction analysis (IPM protection, loss of synchronism protection and overcurrent protection of phase current for compressor
H5-Module temperature is too high
H6-Internal motor (fan motor) do not operate//1. Bad contact of DC motor feedback terminal. 2. Bad contact of DC motor control end. 3. Fan motor is stalling. 4. Motor malfunction. 5. Malfunction of mainboard rev detecting circuit.
H7-Desynchronizing of compressor//Refer to the malfunction analysis (IPM protection, loss of synchronism protection and overcurrent protection of phase current for compressor.
HC-PFC protection//Refer to the malfunction analysis
L3-Outdoor DC fan motor malfunction//DC fan motor malfunction or system blocked or the connector loosed
L9-power protection// To protect the electronical components when detect high power
LP-Indoor unit and outdoor unit doesn’t match //Indoor unit and outdoor unit doesn’t match
LC-Failure startup //Refer to the malfunction analysis
U1-Malfunction of phase current detection circuit for compressor//Replace outdoor control panel AP1
U3-Malfunction of voltage dropping for DC bus-bar//Supply voltage is unstable
U5-Malfunction of complete units current detection//Theres circuit malfunction on outdoor units control panel AP1, please replace the outdoor units control panel AP1.
U7-The four-way valve is abnormal//1.Supply voltage is lower than AC175V; 2.Wiring terminal 4V is loosened or broken; 3.4V is damaged, please replace 4V.
U9-Zerocrossing malfunction of outdoor unit//Replace outdoor control panel AP1

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