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Goodman Air Conditioner Error Codes

Goodman Air Conditioner Error Codes

Error Code
Shorted sensor./Open sensor./Sensor disconnected./Sensor out of range.
Shorted sensor./Open sensor./Sensor disconnected./Sensor out of range.
Short in low voltage wiring.
Compressor relay contacts welded.
Indoor blower motor problem./Communications errorbetween indoor and outdoor unit.
Indoor blower motor problem./Blocked filters./Restrictive/ undersized ductwork./Indoor-outdoor unit miss match.
Air conditioner/heat pump is wired as part of a communicating system and integrated control module does not contain any shared data.
Air conditioner/heat pump is wired as part of a communicating system and integrated control module contains invalid shared data or network data is invalid for the integrated control module.
Air conditioner/heat pump is wired as part of a communicating system and outdoor unit requires airflow greater than indoor unit’s airflow capability./ Shared data is incompatible with the system or missing parameters.
Shared data sent to integrated control module does not match hardware configuration.
Shared data on memory card has been rejected.
Low refrigerant charge./Restriction in liquid line./Indoor blower motor failure.Indoor thermostat set extremely low.
Blocked condenser coil./Outdoor fan not running.
Intermittent thermostat demand./Faulty compressor relay.
Compressor bearings are seized./Failed compressor run capacitor./Faulty run capacitor wiring./Faulty compressor wiring./Low line voltage.
Power is disconnected./Failed compressor protector./Compressor not properly wired to control.
Compressor start winding is open./Failed compressor run capacitor./Faulty run capacitor wiring./Compressor not properly wired to control./Faulty compressor wiring.
Compressor run winding is open./Compressor no properly wired to control./Faulty compressor wiring.
Low line voltage./ High line voltage.
Control detects secondary voltage less than 18 VAC./Transformer overloaded./Low line voltage.

Not displayed No current through run or start windings./Compressor run winding is open./Compressor not properly wired to control./Faulty compressor wiring./Failed compressor run capacitor./Faulty run capacitor wiring.

Goodman AC Troubleshooting

Status LED: Green “POWER”
Status LED Description: Module has power
Status LED Troubleshooting: Supply voltage is present at module terminals
Status LED: Red “TRIP” 
Status LED Description: Thermostat demand signal Y1 is present, but the compressor is not running
Status LED Troubleshooting:
  1. Compressor protector is open
  2. Outdoor unit power disconnect is open
  3. Compressor circuit breaker or fuse(s) is open
  4. Broken wire or connector is not making contact
  5. Low pressure switch open if present in system
  6. Compressor contactor has failed open
Status LED: Yellow “ALERT” Flash Code 1 
Status LED Description: Long Run Time, Compressor is running extremely long run cycles
Status LED Troubleshooting:
  1. Low refrigerant charge
  2. Evaporator blower is not running
  3. Evaporator coil is frozen
  4. Faulty metering device
  5. Condenser coil is dirty
  6. Liquid line restriction (filter drier blocked if present in system)
  7. Thermostat is malfunctioning
Status LED: Yellow “ALERT” Flash Code 2
Status LED Description: System Pressure Trip Discharge or suction pressure out of limits or compressor overloaded
Status LED Troubleshooting:
  1. High head pressure
  2. Condenser coil poor air circulation (dirty, blocked, damaged)
  3. Condenser fan is not running
  4. Return air duct has substantial leakage
  5. If low pressure switch present in system, check Flash Code 1 information
Status LED: Yellow “ALERT” Flash Code 3
Status LED Description: Short Cycling Compressor is running only briefly
Status LED Troubleshooting:
  1. Thermostat demand signal is intermittent
  2. Time delay relay or control board defective
  3. If high pressure switch present go to Flash Code 2 information
  4. If low pressure switch present go to Flash Code 1 information
Status LED: Yellow “ALERT” Flash Code 4
Status LED Description: Locked Rotor
Status LED Troubleshooting:
  1. Run capacitor has failed
  2. Low line voltage (contact utility if voltage at disconnect is low)
  3. Excessive liquid refrigerant in compressor
  4. Compressor bearings are seized
Status LED: Yellow “ALERT” Flash Code 5
Status LED Description:  Open Circuit
Status LED Troubleshooting:
  1. Outdoor unit power disconnect is open
  2. Compressor circuit breaker or fuse(s) is open
  3. Compressor contactor has failed open
  4. High pressure switch is open and requires manual reset
  5. Open circuit in compressor supply wiring or connections
  6. Unusually long compressor protector reset time due to extreme ambient temperature
  7. Compressor windings are damaged
Status LED: Yellow “ALERT” Flash Code 6
Status LED Description: Open Start Circuit, Current only in run circuit
Status LED Troubleshooting:
  1. Run capacitor has failed
  2. Open circuit in compressor start wiring or connections
  3. Compressor start winding is damaged
Status LED: Yellow “ALERT” Flash Code 7
Status LED Description: Open Run Circuit, Current only in start circuit
Status LED Troubleshooting:
  1. Open circuit in compressor run wiring or connections
  2. Compressor run winding is damaged

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