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AMANA Air Conditioner Error Codes

AMANA Air Conditioner Error Codes

AMANA Air Conditioner Error Codes

Status = Freeze Protection Attached. Room temperature is measured by a wireless remote thermostat or indoor ambient thermistor activated sensor
below 40 ° F.
Display = y
Error light = n
Necessary action = No action required. This setting will decompose when room temperature rises above 43 ° F.

STATUS = Front Desk Switch Off. All outputs are off.
Display = y
Error light = n
Busy unit = open to desk switch to allow unit operation to remain operational.

STATUS = Un-Con Service gured Service Board – All operations are being conducted
Display = y
Error light = y
Streamlined action = Con and enter the duration menu and set “C3” to “C” for coolers with “H” for electric pumps or heat pumps.

STATUS = Emergency Hydronded Engaged. The EI-H-I switch is off. The compressor is switched o fi fi c.
Display = y
Error light = n
Busy activity = open front emergency hydronic switch to allow operation of the occupied unit.

Position = load shedding attached. The LS switch is off. The compressor and electric heat are switched off.
Display = y
Error light = n
Busy action = open load shedding switch that allows operation of the living unit.

Status = control is fine to respond to a wired thermostat
Display = y
Error light = n
Structured action = No action if a wired thermostat is being used. Otherwise, see Con uration guration settings.

STATUS = Indoor ambient thermistor range from -20 ° F to 200 ° F and wireless thermostat unit does not communicate for control or communication
Display = y
Error light = y
Compact Action = Replace the black indoor ambient thermistor or wireless remote thermostat.

STATUS = Indoor Ambient Thermistor (IAT) reads outside the range from -20 ° F to 200 ° F without a wireless remote thermostat.
Display = y
Error light = y
Compact Action = Replace the black indoor ambient thermistor or wireless remote thermostat.

Status = Wireless Remote Thermostat Failure
Display = n
Error light = n
Structured action = Replace the wireless thermostat.

Code = f3
STATUS = Indoor ambient thermistor range from -20 ° F to 200 ° F
Display = y
Error light = n
Structured action = Replace the black indoor ambient thermistor.

Code = f4
Status = Indoor coil thermistor either above or below operating tolerance
Display = n
Error light = y
Structured action = Replace the red indoor coil thermistor.

Code = f5
Status = Wireless Thermostat Failure.
Display = n
Error light = y
Compact Action = Attempt to change wireless thermostat or replace wireless thermostat.

Code = f6
Status = Indoor discharge thermistor either above or below operating tolerance.
Display = n
Error light = y
Compact Action = Replace the yellow indoor discharge thermistor.

Status = Low Remote Battery Warning
Display = n
Error light = y
Structured action = Change battery in wireless devices.

Status = High Voltage Protection Engaged. The power supply voltage is high.
Display = y
Error light = n
Structured Action = Check the power coming at the correct voltage.

Status = Brown out protection is engaged. Power was lost or voltage is low.
Display = n
Error light = n
Structured Action = Check the power coming at the correct voltage.

Status = too hot the air.
Display = n
Error light = y
Solid Action = Remove clean filter or air barrier

Status = outdoor coil thermistor temperature higher.
Display = n
Error light = y
Structured action = Clean condenser coil, check fan for fault. The code will reset a cleaning er cleaning.

Status = Indoor Air Recirculation. Larger delta between the thermostat and return.
Display = n
Error light = y
Structured action = Clean condenser coil, check fan for fault. The code will reset a cleaning er cleaning.

Code = c5
Position = external coil temperature too high for outdoor ambient temperature.
Display = n
Error light = y
Streamlined action = Check for blocked outside air or clean coil.

Code = c3
Revision ALERT
Status = Indoor coil freezing.
Display = n
Error light = y
Structured action = Clean check lter, fan and blower operation check, Re Restantant loss or restricted capillary tube check.

Code = c4
Revision ALERT
Status = Indoor horoscope froze.
Display = n
Error light = y
Structured action = Clean check lter, fan and blower operation check, refrigerant loss or restricted capillary tube check.

Revision ALERT
Status = poor unit performance.
Display = n
Error light = y
Compact action = blower motor, compressor, or electric heat operation

AMANA Air Conditioner Error Codes

FP Freeze Protection Engaged. Room temperature falls below 40 ° F as measured by a wireless remote thermostat or indoor ambient thermistor activated sensor. no action required. This setting will decompose when room temperature rises above 43 ° F.

Fd front desk switch is off. All outputs are off. Open the front desk switch to allow the occupying unit to operate.

EO Un-Configured Service Board – All operations are conducted for configuration. Enter the configuration menu and set “C3” for the cooler with “H” for electric pumps or heat pumps.

EH Emergency Hydronic Engaged. The EHH switch is off. The compressor is turned off. Allow open front emergency hydronic switch to occupant unit operation.

LS load shedding attached. The LS switch is off. The compressor and electric heat are switched off. Open load shedding switch to allow operation of occupancy unit.

ON The control is configured to respond to a wired thermostat. No action if a wired thermostat is being used. Otherwise, see configuration settings.

OP Open Door Lockout (DS1 and DS2 Open; Wireless). Locked room door. With the door open, the unit will not have space.

NP window switch lockout – (LS and INN open). Closed room door or window. The unit will not be in place due to the door or window being open.

HP Heat Sentinel – (WIAT> u3). no action required. This setting will deteriorate when room temperature falls.

Ur un-rated status (EHH & INN or wireless). The front desk needs to be set to Rented Mode (if applicable).

 F1 indoor ambient thermistor reads outside the range -20 ° F to 200 ° F and is not readable without a wireless remote thermostat from a wireless thermostat unit control or an indoor ambient thermistor (IAT). F Replace the black indoor ambient thermistor or wireless remote thermostat.

F2 wireless remote thermostat failure. Change the wireless thermostat.

F3 indoor ambient thermistor ranges from -20 ° F to 200 ° F. Replace the Black Indoor Ambient Thermistor.

F4 Indoor coil thermistor either above or below operating tolerance. Replace the red indoor coil thermistor.

F5 wireless thermostat failure. Try changing the wireless thermostat or replacing the wireless thermostat.

F6 Indoor discharge thermistor either above or below operating tolerance. Replace the yellow indoor discharge thermistor.

Fb Low Remote Battery Warning. Change the battery in the wireless device.

H1 high voltage protection. The power supply voltage is high. Check the incoming power at the correct voltage.

br brown outside protection are engaged. Power was lost or voltage is low. Check the incoming power at the correct voltage.

L6 discharge air to hot. Remove clean filters or air barriers.

LC Outdoor Coil Thermistor Temperature. Clean condenser coil, check fan for fault. The code will be reset after cleaning.

C2 Indoor Air Recirculation. Larger delta between the thermostat and return. Clean filters or remove air blockage or close vent doors or improve indoor to outdoor seals.

C5 outdoor coil temperature is too high for outdoor ambient temperature. Check for blocked outdoor air or clean coil.

C1 indoor coil is freezing. Clean filter, fan and blower operation check, refrigerant loss or restricted capillary tube check.

C3 indoor coil is freezing. Clean filter, fan and blower operation check, refrigerant loss or restricted capillary tube check.

C4 Indoor coil froze. Clean filter, fan and blower operation check, refrigerant loss or restricted capillary tube check.

C6 poor unit performance. Check blower motor, compressor, or electric heat operation.

C7 Indoor Freezing Lockout (ICT – IAT> 20) +10 Min. Clean filter, fan and blower operation check, refrigerant loss or restricted capillary tube check.

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